Stamp series ‘The seven Wise Men of Antiquity’

“Know thyself” – “In medio virtus / All in good measure” – “Nothing in excess”- “The tongue should not run ahead of the mind” – “I am getting older, but I’m always being taught a lot” – “A honest political man must, when he leaves the power, to leaves not richer, but most glorious”. A journey in History and Knowledge from the Hellenic Post's New Commemorative Series of Postage Stamps on "Seven Wise Men of Antiquity", whose design, made by the engraving method, was edited by the Professor of Engraving of the School of Fine Arts, Mr. Yiannis Gourzis. The Seven Wise Men, who lived and gave their knowledge and experience in the 6th and 7th centuries B.C., are a milestone in the history of ancient Greece. They are those who have begun to question the established old axioms and to seek to understand the mystery of existence in order to answer fundamental questions that concern the man, even today. The new set of postage stamps by the Hellenic Post, was printed on July 27th by our company and is available from the Greek Post Office.